Top Things you Should Never Say to your Students

One word of an educator holds immense power as it can inspire, motivate and uplift students, or it can discourage, hurt and demotivate them. Hence, you, as a teacher, should choose your words carefully and foster a positive and supportive learning environ...

Article Posted in: Classroom Management

One word of an educator holds immense power as it can inspire, motivate and uplift students, or it can discourage, hurt and demotivate them. Hence, you, as a teacher, should choose your words carefully and foster a positive and supportive learning environment for the students. In this blog, you will explore some things you never say to a student. 

Top 8 Things a Teacher Should Never Say to a Student:

Check out the following 8 phrases that you should never say to your kids. 

1. "You are So Lazy/Dumb/Slow"

While addressing your students, labelling them with negative adjectives can hurt their self-esteem, which can further create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It creates a toxic learning environment, leading to your students always trying to over-achieve to get validated by you.

Words such as lazy, dumb and slow can affect them mentally. Instead, you should focus on their improvement, and offer constructive feedback. For example, when your student has not completed their homework, instead of calling them lazy, you can offer to help them with it. 

2. "Why can You not be More like (Other Student)?"

A sense of healthy competition can help students push their boundaries and bring out their best version. However, constantly comparing your students with their peers can foster unhealthy competition and resentment among each other. 

“You are not enough” or “Why are you not as good as them” are some of the things you never say to a student, as it can crush the confidence of your students. As a teacher, you should understand that each student is unique and needs to be encouraged equally to focus on their strengths and weaknesses. 

3. “It's been So Many Months, Why are You Still Struggling with Your Lessons?” 

Despite the duration of time, they have been learning a lesson, mocking their learning abilities can negatively impact their motivation levels. They will start questioning their capabilities, and at one point they will become frustrated with their “failures”. 

Do not make them feel that they are falling behind. Instead, you should talk to them and understand what is bothering them. Your support will encourage them to put in their best efforts, helping them achieve academic growth at their own pace. 

4. "This is So Easy. Why Don't You Get it?"

What may seem easy to you, may not be seen as easy to others. Constantly belittling your students' struggles by threatening their abilities to grasp a concept can make them feel incompetent and discouraged. Instead of being so harsh on them, you should offer support and patience. 

You should also take a step forward to breaking down the complex concepts into smaller and more manageable sections. This will help your student take an interest in learning, increasing their motivation levels. 

5. “I am Disappointed in You” 

Expressing your disappointment in something is necessary at most times. However, while you do so in an academic setting, you must focus on the behaviour of the child and not their personality. As an instructor, your words can mould or break an innocent soul. 

Help them during their growth journey by expressing your disappointment towards their actions and not who they are. For example, instead of saying “I am disappointed in you”, you can choose to say, “I am disappointed in your choice to disturb the class.” This will intimidate them while conveying their wrong behaviour. 

6. “You will Never Become Anything” 

Do not ever choose to say something that can crush a student's dreams and aspirations. Phrases like “you will never amount to anything” or “you are nothing but a failure” can severely impact a student's mental health. Exercise your teaching skills and designation authority correctly, and strive to always instil hope and encouragement in students. 

Your students’ actions and behaviour are a reflection of what you teach and your approach towards them. Hence, you must help them believe in their potential, under any circumstances. 

7. “Why are You Repeating the Same Mistakes?” 

Your student may repeat the same mistakes time and again, and there may be an underlying reason for it. This behaviour can result from learning and cognitive disabilities, mental health issues such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), or the fear of failure.

By pointing out this behaviour, you are feeding into their fears. Hence, you must observe your student's behaviour, provide formative feedback and adapt your teaching strategies to help them overcome their repeated mistakes and improve their learning outcomes. 

8. “Don't Ask Silly Questions, I Don't Have Time for this” 

Invalidating your students' learning needs by labelling their questions as “stupid” or “silly” can create an unsafe space for them. As a tutor, you must understand that there is no such thing as a “stupid question”, and that is one of the most hurtful things that you should never say to your student. What makes it stupid is your inability to cater to your student's learning needs. 

Moreover, brutally telling them that you have no time to answer their questions can make them feel unheard and devalued. Hence, you must encourage curiosity and foster a safe space by taking time and answering your students' questions while ensuring they feel comfortable. 


This blog has highlighted 8 things you never say to a student. Hence, it is imperative to choose your words carefully. By doing so, you can create an empowering and inclusive learning environment where all students feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential. Remember that each student is different, and achieves their goals in different circumstances.

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Article Posted in: Classroom Management
Tags: Teaching Methodology Teaching Techniques interactive teaching

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